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Elite Naturel Pomegranate and Red Grape Seed Extract are the perfect dietary supplements and serve as powerful antioxidants.
Medicinal Herbs and Extracts
Con certificación BIO de Letis - IFOAM.
También se lo concoe como Azúcar no refinado o no centrifugado.
Especial para deportistas por su alto contenido de fibras, vitaminas y minerales.
Con certificación BIO de Letis - IFOAM.
También se lo conoce como Azúcar no refinado o no cwntrifugado.
This treatment is complementary to the colon hydrotherapy
Following the dietary guidelines, this enables the food to pass through the digestive tract quickly thereby avoiding the buildup of toxins, weight and cellulite.
This is achieved by not mixing in the same meal fruits (tomatoes, green and red peppers etc.) and yogurts with other foods like proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates which digest at a much slower rate..
A complete range of nutrients and aromatherapy oils clean out the digestive tract from the top to the bottom, which correspond to a particular part of the digestive and vascular systems.
Stomach = olive oil + EO anise
Duodenum = soya oil + EO rosmarinus
Small Intestine & Kidneys = tournesol oil + EO thymus
Gyneco & Vascular system = oenothera oil + EO cypress
This treatment is complementary to the colon hydrotherapy
Following the dietary guidelines, this enables the food to pass through the digestive tract quickly thereby avoiding the buildup of toxins, weight and cellulite.
This is achieved by not mixing in the same meal fruits (tomatoes, green and red peppers etc.) and yogurts with other foods like proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates which digest at a much slower rate..
A complete range of nutrients and aromatherapy oils clean out the digestive tract from the top to the bottom, which correspond to a particular part of the digestive and vascular systems.
Stomach = olive oil + EO anise
Duodenum = soya oil + EO rosmarinus
Small Intestine & Kidneys = tournesol oil + EO thymus
Gyneco & Vascular system = oenothera oil + EO cypress
This treatment is complementary to the colon hydrotherapy
Following the dietary guidelines, this enables the food to pass through the digestive tract quickly thereby avoiding the buildup of toxins, weight and cellulite.
This is achieved by not mixing in the same meal fruits (tomatoes, green and red peppers etc.) and yogurts with other foods like proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates which digest at a much slower rate..
A complete range of nutrients and aromatherapy oils clean out the digestive tract from the top to the bottom, which correspond to a particular part of the digestive and vascular systems.
Stomach = olive oil + EO anise
Duodenum = soya oil + EO rosmarinus
Small Intestine & Kidneys = tournesol oil + EO thymus
Gyneco & Vascular system = oenothera oil + EO cypress